Glaucoma is one of the conditions that are observed in January in the United States.  Glaucoma is characterized by an increase in pressure, specifically in the optic nerve. Either a fluid buildup causes the pressure or the optic nerve gets blocked with dried fluid, but glaucoma can also happen with normal pressure.
Glaucoma occurs more often in adults and is one of the leading causes of blindness in adults over 60 years old.
Many forms of glaucoma have no early warning signs so regular eye exams are important.  Some of the later stage signs include blurry vision, patchy vision in the peripheral vision, halos, eye pain or redness, headaches and even nausea.
On my side of the fence, the eyes are associated with the liver. Diet will always be important, especially because the liver is a filter…. so eating large meals and too late make the liver work harder, sugar is always inflammatory and alcohol intake should be considered. Make sure you chew your food too so the liver can process it easier.
Just like we change the oil in our car, doing a liver detox/cleanse 2 times a year can give your liver a clean start.  Remember, we can function independently without fingers, an arm or leg, even without hearing, but blindness makes independence more difficult. Consider a liver and gallbladder cleanse biannually.