acupuncture treatment miami floridaA friend that works for New York Life Insurance, recently told me that almost 70% of people will eventually need long term care. That is an alarming statistic that I am not comfortable considering for my life. Barring a horrific accident, I plan to be healthy enough for that not to happen to me and it is easily achievable with “my” long term care plan, and that’s the plan I have for my clients.
My mother, who bore seven children, was not “healthy” in her younger years. Today, at 86 years of age, she is independent, plays golf three days a week carrying her bag on her shoulder and walks 2 miles in the evening. She is on my “Long Term Care” plan of getting massage and acupuncture every other week. This allows me to take care of any health issues immediately before they impact her independence. And who does not like getting regular massage.
About 12 years ago, she was diagnosed with glaucoma, and I suggested she take an herbal formula. She resisted because she takes a handful of supplements already. I told her she didn’t really have a choice, because everything she does she needs her eyes to do. She golfs, is an avid reader, does needle work and paints. I suggested she give up one of the other supplements if she wanted to stay independent, because we all know how important our eyes are. You can be independent without your hearing, even a missing arm or a leg, but without your sight it is much more difficult.
Several years ago she mentioned that she was occasionally seeing two flags on the green, and she knew that was not so. She also said at a red light she saw four yellow cars in front of her and knew that would be quite odd. I took that information and gave her an acupuncture treatment to correct the vision issues. One treatment got her back to seeing only one flag on the green which gave her the green light to continue driving and help her stay independent. Today, she does not even need her glasses because her eyes are better than they have ever been.
Acupuncture and massage are a great way to get and stay healthy and is one of the best investments you can make for your long term health care.